Flexible Private Network

Concrete communication protocol and function

GSCIP is the security network architecture to realize a FPN system and is a series of the below-stated protocols. It is possible to create a nearly ideal FPN by relating these protocols. As individual protocols are all independent, it is also possible to utilize one protocol alone or apply them separately to other systems.

Series of protocols

DPRP (Dynamic Process Resolution Protocol)
a protocol, which can self-generate EE's executing table, corresponding to the structure of a system.
PCCOM (Practical Cipher COMmunication protocol)
a practical cipher communication protocol, which guarantees packet integrity and enables personal identification, without modifying the packet length.
SPAC (Secure Protocol for Authentication with IC Card)
a protocol, which delivers group keys securely, by using non-contact type IC cards.
Mobile PPC (Mobile Peer to Peer Communication protocol)
a protocol, which enables continuous communication by exchanging information between nodes even if IP address has changed during communication.
NATF (NAT Free protocol)
a protocol which enables free communication between private address space and global address space.


Illegal Remote Log-in Detection Function
This is a function incorporated in GSCIP package to detect springboard attacks.
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